
The team of Mallet Advogados Associados is the soul of the firm, reason why we strive to foster their professional and personnel balance, integration and wellbeing.

  • Enrolled with the Brazilian Bar Association, São Paulo section, under the nº 211.184
  • J.D., Paulista University
  • Postgraduate in Labor Law and Procedure Labor Law, Pontifical Catholic University of the state of São Paulo
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  • Enrolled with the Brazilian Bar Association, São Paulo section, under the n° 305.662
  • J.D., Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo
  • L.M in Tax Law, INSPER
  • Attending Postgraduate course in Civil Procedural Law and Labor Law, Pontifical Catholic University of the state of São Paulo
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  • Enrolled with the Brazilian Bar Association, São Paulo section, under the nº 389.600
  • J.D., University of São Paulo School of Law
  • LLM in Labor Law and Social Security at the University of São Paulo School of Law
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  • Enrolled with the Brazilian Bar Association, São Paulo section, under the nº 177.957
  • J.D., University Catholic of Santos
  • LLM in Labor Law at the University Mackenzie
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  • Enrolled with the Brazilian Bar Association, São Paulo section, under the nº 331.013/SP
  • D., Saint Jude Thaddeus University
  • Postgraduate in Labor Law and Procedure Labor Law, Pontifical Catholic University of the state of São Paulo
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  • Enrolled with the Brazilian Bar Association, São Paulo section, under the number 442.902
  • D., College of Law of São Bernardo do Campo/SP
  • Postgraduate in Labor Law and Procedure Labor Law, Paulista School of Law.
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  • Enrolled with the Brazilian Bar Association, São Paulo section, under the number 503.208.
  • D., Pontifical Catholic University of the state of São Paulo.
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  • Enrolled with the Brazilian Bar Association, São Paulo section, under the number 325.101
  • Bachelor’s degree in Law at Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie de São Paulo
  • Postgraduate in Labor Law at Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (COGEAE)
  • People Management and Labor Compliance at FGV Direito/SP
  • MBA in Business Management, Economics and Business Management (ESALQ/USP)
  • Master’s Degree in Law at Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie de São Paulo
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  • Enrolled with the Brazilian Bar Association, São Paulo section, under the number 295.712
  • J.D., University of São Paulo School of Law
  • Postgraduate in Labor Law from the Fundação Getúlio Vargas
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  • Enrolled with the Brazilian Bar Association, São Paulo section, under the number 383.150
  • Catholic University of Pernambuco
  • Postgraduate in Labor Law and Process from Faculdade Boa Viagem
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